
This R shiny application serves as a visual exploration tool to query age-related genes, and compare their single-cell type expression profiles of PBMCs among COVID-19 stages. This sever provides the following three functions:

1. Age-related Genes

This function enables convenient plots age-related gene expression among all age-groups, and performs pairwise comparison.

2. Cell-type Percentage

With this function, users can investigate the proportion of cells expressing a given age-related genes within a specific cell-type in COVID-19 stages, and performs pairwise comparison.

3. Cell-type Expression

This function allows users to compare age-related gene expression in a given cell-type among COVID-19 stages.

Results Download

The PDF and Table download are available by clicking the button nearby the results.


Human bulk transcriptomes of blood are available to download from GTEx portal .

Single-cell transcriptomes of PBMCs from Healthy controls and COVID-19 patients are download from GEO database using the reference series GSE158055 .

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